- Understanding the basic principles of refrigeration and air conditioning devices and how to deal with any device you meet
- Installing and maintaining household refrigeration and air conditioning devices (one-door refrigerator – two doors – no frost – deep freezer – water cooler – window air conditioning – split air conditioning)
- Determining the appropriate capacity for air conditioning in the place, preparing pipes and installation locations
- General idea of refrigerating rooms, freezing rooms, central air conditioning (DX-chiller), display refrigerators, kitchen refrigerators, and car air conditioning.
- The training program also includes real-world case studies to show how problems develop with advances in technology.
70 hours
Three times a week, two and a half hours each lecture.
• Egyptian nationality.
• Graduate (diploma – institute – college).
• Ready to work as a technician in this field.
• Age up to 35 years.
• Determine the status of the army for male candidates.
• Seriousness and commitment.
• Passing the personal interview.